"The state parks on Whidbey and Fidalgo islands contain some of the highest quality remaining examples of Puget Trough Forest communities."
Dr. Andrea Thorpe will present her talk titled, "The Enchanted Forests of Whidbey and Fidalgo Islands" on Wednesday, May 25th from 7:00 - 8:00 PM. Join us to learn about Puget Trough Forest communities, what makes them special, and State Parks’ approach to protecting these communities while also inviting the public to visit these special places.
At this time, the exact location of this presentation is to be announced. You can still register for the event, and we will follow up with the location details as soon as possible.
Pre-registration is required to attend this event due to limited space indoors. A Discover Pass is required for vehicle access. Passes can be purchased at the West Beach parking lot.
In partnership with park staff, we will be offering a virtual livestream of this lecture as well via Microsoft Teams.
25 May 2022
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM