Island County Mini Course Eventbrite

Bravo on making learning a priority for your business & your clients!

This will become a resource page for those who attended the 2023 Island County Mini Course for real estate professionals to refer back to when needed. You will find handouts from each of the sessions, links to useful pages, contact details for speakers, and other information you can refer to after completing the course.

Health Department

Handouts for Health Presentation

Speaker: Heather Kortuem, Environmental Health Manager, 360-678-7910,

With this department, real estate professionals are primarily focused on septic systems and wells, both under the sub-department of Environmental Health.

Useful websites:

Home Page for IC Environmental Health

IC Public Portal for access to septic system records, including inspection reports, asbuilts, pumping records, etc. 

Home Buyers Guide to Septic Systems

All Island County GIS Maps 


Planning Department

Handouts for Planning Presentation

Speaker: Jonathan Lange, Assistant Planning Director, (36) 678-78121,

Building all structures requires permitting, which makes this department arguably the most impactful to real estate. This is also where all long-range planning, zoning, comprehensive planning, etc. happens.

Useful websites:

Home Page for IC Planning & Community Development

IC Public Portal for access building permit submittals

All Island County GIS Maps 

Building Permit Applications

Land Use Applications

Comprehensive Plan 2025 Update


Assessors Department

Handouts for Assessor Presentation

Speaker: Kelly Mauck, Island County Assessor, (360) 679-7303,

The Assessor is responsible for physically inspecting, appraising, and revaluing all real property once every 6 years with an annual review and update based on sales analysis.

Useful websites:

Home Page for IC Assessor

Public Parcel Search

Name and Address Change


Public Works Department

Handouts for Public Works Presentations

Speaker: Ed Sewester, Assistant County Engineer, (360) 679-7334,

Every property needs access to use it, clearing and grading to build, stormwater, and flood management. Public works can help. They may mostly work for you through Planning, but they are critical, and you'll learn how.

Useful websites:

Home Page for IC Public Works