Child-friendly atmosphere and residents who enjoy a visual flare during the holidays. Fireside is also near Fort Nugent Park, which includes ball fields and playgrounds. Fireside also has a private Facebook group open to neighborhood residents, which helps foster a close-knit community atmosphere. Have questions about this?
Children throughout North Whidbey Island quickly discover that the Fireside neighborhood is a hotspot for trick-or-treating on Halloween. Residents decorate their homes and provide a festive atmosphere for costume-clad children that draws in children from neighboring communities. The family-friendly neighborhood is also home to a great pocket park located in the center of the neighborhood. The Park provides a convenient playground and picnic table for the children of the neighborhood to have fun without having to worry about fast-moving traffic on nearby arterials.
Fireside is located on the southern edge of Oak Harbor, which is the largest municipality on Whidbey Island. The city is home to the largest school district on Whidbey Island along with such amenities as shopping, children and youth activities. Located near Fireside is the Whidbey Golf Club. The city is home to several public parks and Deception Pass State Park on the north edge of Whidbey Island and Fort Casey State Park and the Casey Conference Center, are easy to visit.