Coupeville August 29, 2022

Back to School Coupeville

It is time for your kids to go back to school! Whether you are ready for summer to be over and eager for your children to return to school or dreading that school is starting in a week and holding on to every last moment of summer, orchestrating the logistics of staying in the know, scheduling conferences, collecting schedules, pick-up and drop-off times of both schools and buses, meeting teachers, and getting school supplies can all be overwhelming especially when several things have changed this year! We are here to help take away some of those stressors and make going back to school a breeze for you!

If your children are attending the Coupeville School District this year this is the right place for you!

COUPEVILLE: KINDERGARTEN – Download list here!

COUPEVILLE: 1ST GRADE – Download list here!


COUPEVILLE: 2ND GRADE – Download list here!

COUPEVILLE 3RD GRADE: Download list here!

COUPEVILLE 4TH GRADE: Click here for the GoFundME!

COUPEVILLE 5TH GRADE: Download list here!


COUPEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL- The recommended supplies will be on each class syllabus that your student will receive during the first week of school.


CSD now uses Qmlativ as our student management system. This platform updates and hopefully improves on Skyward. Qmlativ is now where students and parents can check grades, contact teachers, and pay fees. There will be brief training provided to help parents and students navigate the new system shortly.


The USDA has discontinued free lunch for all students. Lunch for students returns to $3.45. We will also return to our two-lunch bell schedule. That means we will have 6th-8th lunch after 3rd period, and 9th-12th lunch after 4th period.