A Different Approach to Developing Wealth

Mynd recently released their 2022 Consumer Insights Report that demonstrates how millennials and Gen Z’s have taken a different approach to developing wealth than previous generations.
For example, while 9% of Baby Boomers are contemplating the idea of investing in rental properties over 43% of Millennials and Gen Zs are choosing to remain in their current living environments and invest in rental properties elsewhere to build their wealth.
This strategy is becoming increasingly popular. It allows the investor to remain living without disruption to their lifestyle in a place they may not be able to afford to purchase a home of their own. Instead of uprooting their lives and relocating elsewhere to attain the dream of homeownership the investor achieves homeownership by purchasing a home in a more affordable location with the intention of renting it out.
With no disruption to their life, they become a homeowner and investors at the same time. Their purchase not only creates monthly passive income for their pocketbooks but also builds equity over time – ultimately increasing their overall net worth.
They can later choose to continue to rent out the home, sell for an increased price, or move into the home if or when they want or need to.
If you would like to explore this idea further connect with us so we can help you build your wealth through real estate.