A Rare Find

It is a rare broker whose love language is creating and sharing information that is valuable to clients but can also be hard to find. Some brokers feel they need to guard their valuable local insights as if it is a finite and precious gift. What they don’t see is that every time you put valuable knowledge out there for people to use and find, A) it just represents the tip of the iceberg on what you actually know, and B) it tells people you are the person to go to for more goods on the topic. So, if your topic happens to be something like moving to Tacoma we have the site for you!
About Marguerite:
Marguerite Martin created Move to Tacoma almost a decade ago. Each year Marguerite builds upon her content and continues to push the limits producing extraordinary content for her community. In addition, she launched a powerful podcast for the area by the same name where you can listen to fascinating interviews on various topics. Over time Marguerite morphed into a full-time match-maker. Now, instead of spending all her time helping buyers purchase a home, she helps match buyers with the perfect broker in the Tacoma area and creates content usable for all. Marguerite is an innovator and a thought leader. She challenges us all in the industry to do things better. Check all the incredible information she has created on the Move to Tacoma website, and don’t hesitate to reach out to her!
Some of the other neighborhood guides that inspire us and we know you would find valuable if you were moving to these areas are linked below.
We have a couple of favorites…
Our very own Whidbey Island Guide https://windermerewhidbeyisland.com/the-whidbey-island-guide
Seattle Area:
Team Diva’s Neighborhood Guide https://teamdivarealestate.com/seattle-neighborhoods/
Get Happy At Home Neighborhood Guide https://www.gethappyathome.com/neighborhoods/
All of South Puget Sound:
Windermere Professional Partners Guide https://www.windermerepc.com/neighborhoods
Other Parts of the US:
New Orleans https://beneworleans.com/