Real Estate January 24, 2022

7 Tips for New Horse Owners

Horses have been a prominent animal throughout history, dedicated to their human’s side. Many would go as far as to suggest that horses, just as dogs, cats, and other pets can be man’s best friend. Like other pets, horses can contribute to the health, wellbeing, and happiness of their humans so much so that there have been people that contribute overcoming their mental illnesses to using a technique called Equine Horse Therapy. Likewise, many children have found companionship in their horses and have grown to learn valuable life lessons from them.

While we as humans receive so much from these amazing animals, it is equally important that we pay attention to their health, wellbeing, and happiness as well.

If you are new to the equestrian lifestyle here are a couple of tips to keeping them happy:

1) Consistent Exercise:

Horses, just like us need daily exercise to stay healthy and fit. A daily workout helps to reduce your horse’s stress and allows them to release pent-up energy. While it might not look like the typical gym workout, working out with your horse by training can be beneficial for both you and your horse.

2) Keep Vaccinations Current:

Like humans, horses also need vaccinations and it is important that they stay current, or like humans, they can get sick. Having the proper vaccination in a timely manner helps you keep your horse healthy, fit, and happy.

If your horse gets sick, it will take a lot of energy for it to fully recover. Keeping your horse on a vaccinations routine not only will help prevent your horse from getting sick but will also help your horse to recover against the more serious diseases more easily.

To ensure you are providing your horse the best care and keeping regular on its vaccinations, you can ask your vet for a list of vaccines he/she suggests you give to your horse and which ones are most important for your horse to have. If you don’t currently have a vet, click here for a list of ones in our area.

3) Your Horse Needs a Safe and Comfortable Environment: 

Here’s one that lies near and dear to our hearts. As real estate agents, we know just how much we as humans want our homes to keep us safe and comfortable. Similarly, your horse not only deserves but needs housing that not only keeps him safe from things like storms and prey but also makes him comfortable. If your horse lives in a barn, provide them a stall and protection.  If they live outdoors, they need some way to get out of the sun. Often a run-in shed, or shady trees can give them protection from the elements they need. Additionally, you will need to provide them with a dry walking area, grass, rubber mats, and hoof care.

Not all properties are created equally. When looking at properties, it is important to make sure it is sufficient for your horse and easy for them to maneuver and permitted for horse use. If you need help determining whether or not a property is viable for your equestrian needs reach out to our equestrian advisors here.

4) Good Nutrition:

We know that when we eat junk food, we feel, well like junk. Similarly, your horse requires a diet that can fuel the energy they need to stay fit and healthy. The digestive system of your horse is designed to process large amounts of fibrous foods regularly.

To keep the horse’s digestive health and increase their energy level, you should include grass, hay, and grains in their regular diet along with a lot of fresh CLEAN water. Including traditional mineral blocks into their routine will help your horse maintain an optimal diet. Check out these great places on Whidbey to purchase food for your horse.

5) Your Horse Needs a Dentist Too!

Have you ever been petting your horse when he decides to give you a big lick across your face?! We have too. That’s how we know it is of the utmost importance for your horse to have a dentist too. You should anticipate a checkup about once a year. Like humans, horse teeth grow. However, unlike humans, horse teeth continue to grow and could potentially become damaged by opposing teeth if not properly taken care of. Because their teeth continue to grow it is important for them to be filed regularly to ensure the horse is comfortable when he eats. Could you imagine trying to eat if your teeth hurt you?

Without regular dental check-ups, your horse could develop problems that could lead to more serious problems like colic and choke.

6) Their Hooves:

It is important to take care of your horse’s hooves, by cleaning them and trimming them regularly. Like humans, every horse is different. The growth at which your horses’ hooves grow may be vastly different from that of another’s. However, it is often common for hooves to grow in between 4 to 8 weeks. You can begin trimming them after that.

7) Visit Your Horse Regularly:

The bond between you and your horse should be very strong like the friendship between you and a best friend. You will develop this bond over time by spending adequate time with them. You should expect to visit your horse daily if possible.

But also, like humans, your horse needs equestrian friends too. So get out and make friends with similar interests as both you and your horse.

At the end of the day…

… if you have been considering buying property for you and your horses – let’s connect to determine what is best for all of you. Email us or call us today!

ClintonCoupevilleFreelandGreenbankHomeLangleyOak HarborReal Estate May 31, 2021

Preparing to List in the Whidbey Island Real Estate Market Right Now

Today’s housing market is full of exceptional opportunities for sellers.  The large buyer demand combined with record-low housing inventory has created an optimal sellers’ market. This means that it can be a great time to sell your house if you are thinking about selling. However, one misconception is that sellers are guaranteed success no matter what. We are here to remind you, that is not always the case and to help set you up for the best possible success with some key points so you can avoid costly mistakes and win big when you make the move.

Preparing to List in the Whidbey Island Real Estate Market Right Now

Price Your Property Right

It is a common misconception to think buyers will pay whatever we ask. This can be hard to imagine when the inventory is low like it is and we see homes sell well over listing price time and time again. However, even in a sellers’ market, it is of the utmost importance to list your house for the right price. Why? Because it will maximize the number of buyers that see your house. Listing above market value means that true target buyers may not ever see your property because it is listed out of their price range. Listing in the market value creates the best environment for bidding wars, which in turn is more likely to increase the final sale price meaning more money in your pocket. In fact, as of this writing, there are 10 homes just in North Whidbey that have been on the market for 11- 41 days which is a strong indication of being overpriced. This is only one of several examples of why it is important to price your property right the first time. To receive an in-depth look at the dangers of pricing above market value sign up here. A real estate professional is the best person to help you set the best price for your house so you can achieve your financial goals. Click here to get connected.

Keep Emotions in Check

Today, homeowners are living in their homes longer than they have in the past. Looking at the chart below you can see that the average time a homeowner owned their home has doubled from 5 years in 1985 to 10 years now.

Todays Homeowners are staying in their homes for an average of 10 years

It only makes sense that as time in a home increases the emotional attachment to the home also grows. If it is the first home you purchased or it is the house where your children grew up, it is possible that it is extra special to you. Every room has memories. It is difficult to separate rational decision-making from that sentimental value and can take time to process.

Windermere is here to help reduce the emotional stress of selling

For some homeowners, that connection makes it harder to differentiate the emotional value of the house from the fair market price. It is important to have a non-bias real estate professional help you along with setting the listing price and through the negotiations. We are here to help you.

Stage Properly

When we walk into our friends’ homes, we are often greeted by their children’s trophies, their accomplishments, newest toys, and probably a pile of mail on the counter they did not quite get to before we arrived. For the most part, we are all quite proud of our home décor and the things we have done to customize our homes to be fitting for our lifestyles and want to show it off. However, not all buyers feel the same way about your design and personal touches as you do. It is in your best interest to present your home in a way that a buyer can imagine themselves living there. That is why it is so important to make sure you stage your home with the potential buyer in mind.

Buyers want to envision themselves in the space so it truly feels like it could be their own. They need to see themselves inside with their furniture and keepsakes – not your pictures and decorations. Stage, clean, and declutter so they can visualize their own dreams as they walk through each room. A real estate professional can help you to get your home ready, stage it, and sell for top dollar.

Prepping to list on Whidbey, Preparing to List in the Whidbey Island Real Estate Market Right Now

At the End of the Day

Today’s sellers’ market might be your best chance to make your move. If you are considering selling your home, let’s connect today so you have the expert guidance you need to navigate through the process and prioritize these key elements.

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