Spruce up your Space this Spring

With spring upon us and gardening on the top of our minds lets discuss 5 simple landscaping ideas to spruce up your space this spring before you rush out and use your 20% off plants at Mailliards Landing Nursery coupon during the month of April. Don’t have one but want one? Request yours here!
- Do you have a side yard that doesn’t get much sun? You probably find yourself feeling defeated when you are constantly left with patchy grass intermingled with mud when you were shooting for a lush green lawn. This is a sight for sore eyes, but this defeated feeling can be instantly cured with landscaping material such as pea gravel, sand, or steppingstones. A smooth, full look in this type of area is appealing to the eye and can give your yard a polished look that is not only simple to create but is also easy to maintain. Pro tip! Spruce it up with some potted seasonal flowers to brighten the space when you feel necessary.
- Determine your yards focal point. This is typically one big item. It can be a tree, a shrub, or a hardscape item like an arch, bench, or sculpture. Perhaps your yard already has one? If so, work with it to enhance eyes towards that focal point. If you don’t have one, Mailliards has a plethora of plants, shrubs and hardscape ideas to get your yard from 0 to 100 in no time!
- Create a flower bed. When choosing plants, lean on the expertise of garden store staff (they typically have a plethora of knowledge in this area). Then experiment with plants that work well in that location based on the level of sun, shade, and soil quality.
- PRO TIP: Choose native plants! These are plants that grow naturally in your area, are economical, and super easy to care for because they flourish with little to no help and are still enjoyable to look at.
- Add fresh mulch to flower and garden beds. Keep in mind that dark new mulch not only protects your plants, but it prevents weed growth and creates a fresh clean look for your yard.
Let your creativity flow. Post a picture to your social when you are done and tag us in it. We would love to see your finished product!
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Facebook: @WindermereWhidbeyIsland
If you are considering buying or selling and would like to dive deeper into this subject, we would be happy to schedule a consult with you at your home to show you even more low-cost tips and tricks for maximizing your sale price! Call us today at 360.675.5953 or email us at whidbeycommunications@windermere.com.
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