Real Estate September 20, 2021

4 Online Resources That will Blow Your Mind!

…and help when buying vacant land on Whidbey Island.


This is a sophisticated GIS mapping tool for Island County that can show layers and layers of geographically specific data overlaid on a map. Just turn on the layers of data you are interested in and search till your heart is content!

Island County Public Portal

Use this tool to look up a parcel number or a street address to determine if there are any site registrations, septic permits, or septic as-builts done for the parcel. It will also disclose any permits a property has recently applied for and its status.

Groundwater Spatial Analysis Report

This tool analyzes the potential groundwater quality at any given spot on the island by grabbing the data on wells within 1/8 mile of the point you choose on the map (or the nearest 40 wells). It automatically generates a phenomenal report. Just submit the application and the report is emailed to you almost immediately.  This document will offer you more detailed information on what you get in the report

Washington Coastal Atlas Map

With the Shoreline Photo Viewer, you can compare what has happened to any stretch of shoreline over the last 50 years through photography! This tool uses 5 photo sessions capturing images of our shoreline all the way back to 1970. Even if you are not currently buying waterfront land this is a fun tool to compare what has happened to any section of our shoreline. There are even aerial photos from the 1940s. Check out the image below taken before Rolling Hills or Penn Cove Park were developed.

4 Online Resources That will Blow Your Mind!

To find more amazing tools at your disposal or to get help using these tools to find specific information you can call us, and we will connect you with one of our knowledgeable Windermere brokers. You don’t have to be actively selling or buying a home! We just love to help! Contact us here. 

Real Estate January 28, 2021

Buying Vacant Land on Whidbey Island

If you have always dreamed of building your own home, choosing your own layout, selecting dream finishes, and want all your desires in a home met then you will be looking for vacant land. This is a completely different world than buying a preexisting home where there is complete certainty when it comes to electricity, water, sewage, and condition. Uncertainty is not comfortable for everyone so let’s make sure you feel prepared and empowered.

Buying Vacant Land on Whidbey Island, Dream Home, Whidbey Island

First and foremost, if you ask anyone who has built their own home, they will tell you that even if you build a home from scratch you will not end up with a 100% perfect house. There are always compromises and unforeseen issues with layout, etc. Remember, vacant land is scarce and becoming scarcer, so if you find the perfect property with an imperfect house, perhaps you can consider a major remodel.

When buying vacant land, it is all about the level of certainty a parcel can provide you. A parcel that already has a water source, septic system, access/driveway, building site laid out, and electrical nearby is going to be extremely rare.  Such a parcel will cost more because of the time and expenses already invested by the seller. There is also inherent value in the confidence you as a buyer can have that you will not run into complications that may make the land unsuitable for development.

Below are our TOP 5 recommendations when considering buying vacant land:

Buying Vacant Land on Whidbey Island, Vacant land, build your dream home, Windermere, Real Estate

Find a vacant land purchasing specialist.

Buying vacant land on Whidbey Island, Land Specialist, windermere Real Estate, Best of Whidbey

Complex is the word that comes to mind when thinking about vacant land purchases. Having a trusted guide who loves the complexity that comes with purchasing land is something you really want. Many brokers groan when they think about helping buyers with vacant land but there are a special few who just dig it! Find them! It will make all the difference. If you need a recommendation just call (360) 675-5953 and ask for a recommendation on a vacant land specialist from the manager.


Know your corners.

Buying vacant land on Whidbey Island, Land Specialist, windermere Real Estate, Best of Whidbey, Know your corners

In the best-case scenario, there has been a survey done and the corners are clearly marked with modern official survey markers however, this is rare. You may need to negotiate to have this done by the Seller. There are other signs that can give an idea of where property lines fall though. One of the coolest technologies that most agents have nowadays is an app that uses geo-spatial technology to locate your position on a map in relation to property lines. An old-fashioned surveyor’s tape measure can help as well if you have a marker of some sort to start from. Fence lines, survey tape marking trees or branches, driveways, and other identifiers can give clues. Nothing beats a proper survey though and you are going to want that when it comes time to build.


Get as certain as possible on the big 5.

Buying vacant land on Whidbey Island, Land Specialist, windermere Real Estate, Best of Whidbey

Water, sewage, electricity, access, and building envelope. These are the big 5 mysteries when you first look at a raw and overgrown piece of land. The more that these 5 things have been figured out and addressed by the Seller, the more valuable the property is. You are buying risk when these 5 are unknown. You cannot avoid risk completely but figuring out as much as you can about these 5 will help you move forward more confidently.


Work with a local builder.

Buying vacant land on Whidbey Island, Land Specialist, windermere Real Estate, Best of Whidbey, work with a builder

Get the local builder to the lot sooner than later. Reputable builders on Whidbey will be able to help you through the feasibility process, have a great instinct for what is possible, contacts to get specialists out to the property, and experience working with Island County’s Building department. Here are 5 builders we recommend in no particular order…

    1. Cascade Custom Homes
    2. Yonkman Construction
    3. Nautilus Construction
    4. Waldron Construction
    5. Turpin Construction


Know your critical areas.

Buying vacant land on Whidbey Island, Land Specialist, windermere Real Estate, Best of Whidbey, Critical areas

Shorelines, native American artifacts, endangered animals and plants, steep slopes and bluffs, wetlands, and streams will affect the property in big ways. There are large set-back requirements for structures, wells, and septic systems around critical areas. You may get into a situation where you do not have much of a choice about where you can position your building site. These unknowns must be understood before you decide to close on the lot. Your Realtor can help you navigate this maze.


Each property is unique, and we could share a lot more with you on the topic of buying vacant land on Whidbey, but the truth is that the best thing you can do is find yourself an excellent guide who will help you assess what it is you are really looking for and how to narrow down the search. Good luck and do not forget your muck boots!


PHOTOS BY: Kelsey Kurtis

Uncategorized March 5, 2018

Purchasing Vacant Land

Purchasing vacant land:

Written by: Simona Groves


Simona Groves, Vacant Land

Ahhhh, the lovely earthy scent produced by the rain or the morning dew, the buzzing of the bees and the many of shades of green enchanting the view. Who doesn’t like to be immersed into nature and fantasize about living in it?

If you are one of the many Americans that would love to buy raw land and build your dream home, let me help you with this complex but exciting task.

Make sure you take into consideration these details:

How will you pay?


If you don’t have a preferred lender let me know and I can help with the perfect match.

Understand how the land can be used. Local government usually have established zoning regulations.

Call your local planning and zoning department and they will provide you with the information.

Check the island county webpage here 

We will need to do some research and this will include things that can be forgotten: utilities.

You need to make sure to check if the lot has access to public utilities: electricity, sewer, gas, water etc.

Last but not least, make sure you do thorough and expansive research about home builders.

I would be more than happy to give my recommendations.

Buy Land


Learn more about Simona Groves:


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