Oak HarborReal Estate September 16, 2021

Is the Oak Harbor Housing Market Getting Squishy?

Written by: Kristen Stavros

16 September 2021

There is a general feeling amongst brokers that the Oak Harbor market has softened up just a bit. As Branch Manager and Co-owner of Windermere Whidbey Island I pay close attention to what my brokers are seeing and feeling out there in the market. When I begin to sense a theme I go to the numbers to see if they are telling the same story.

Is the Oak Harbor Housing Market Getting Squishy?

I’ll be really curious to see how these numbers change when we can add September data to them but I’m seeing the teensiest sign that there may be some easing.

For the first time all year, we’ve seen a dip in closed sales in August.

At the same time, new listings continue to rise every month.

Average days on market has plateaued.

Does this mean buyers can start getting homes for less $$$?

The answer is emphatically, NO. As you can see from the graphs below prices continue to climb, inventory is still at a record low, and homes are still moving off the market incredibly fast. This just means that instead of being up against 10 other buyers you now may be up against just 2-3 other qualified buyers. Instead of great homes going for up to 10-20% over list price, the good ones may just end up 5-8% over list. The pressure on buyers is still decidedly strong but the dial has been turned down ever so slightly.

Average Price Per Square Foot.

Months’ Supply of Homes (based on closed sales).

Average Days on Market.

Sellers still have a fantastic advantage in this market but things are changing weekly so we are encouraging sellers to not get too greedy or assured because doing so may mean you overprice the market, lose the opportunity to garner multiple offers out of the gate, and ultimately make less profit on your home.

Working with a smart and sophisticated listing agent has never been more important in the previous 3 years than it is RIGHT NOW. You need someone who is really going to take their time analyzing the market against your specific home before giving you pricing advice. Call us today to be connected with a market pricing expert!

This analysis focuses just on the Oak Harbor market but we have the same analysis going on for all of Whidbey Island! If you are interested in knowing more about any aspect of Whidbey Island real estate let us know and we are happy to share.


CoupevilleOak HarborReal EstateStats April 15, 2021

Monthly Stats: March 2021

Monthly Stats, March, Oak Harbor, Coupeville, Whidbey Island, Windermere Real estate