HomeReal Estate February 26, 2024

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning has long been a cherished tradition embraced by households worldwide. Stemming from a practical need to freshen up living spaces after the long winter months, this annual ritual has evolved into a symbol of renewal and rejuvenation. Beyond simply tidying up, spring cleaning holds significant importance for both physical and mental well-being. By clearing out clutter, dust, and grime accumulated over the winter, we create a cleaner and healthier environment for ourselves and our families. Moreover, the act of spring cleaning can have positive effects on our mindset, providing a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and a renewed energy to tackle new challenges. Embracing this tradition allows us to start the new season on a clean slate, fostering a sense of optimism and positivity as we welcome the warmer days ahead.

Follow along for a comprehensive spring cleaning checklist to help you tackle every corner of your home:

Declutter and Donate

  • Make your home more inviting by decluttering. Go through each room and declutter by getting rid of items you no longer need or use.
  • Donate, sell, or discard items that are no longer serving a purpose for you. Consign your items at places like My Sisters Closet, or host a yard sale and feel a sense of accomplishment when you can fund something new. Whatever you find yourself still left with donate to a local thrift store. Island Thrift, WAIF Thrift Shop , and Treasure Island-Antique and Thrift  are just a few of the many options on Whidbey Island.


  • Open your windows and breathe a breath of fresh air.
  • Dust all surfaces, including shelves, countertops, furniture, and electronics.
  • Don’t forget to dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, and vents.

Clean Windows

  • Spring brings so much outside beauty. Make sure you can enjoy it all with sparkling windows.
  • Wash windows inside and out, including the window frames and sills. If your window has weeping holes, be sure to make sure they are not clogged so that excess water can drain properly.
  • If cleaning your windows is out of reach there are companies like A Clean Streak or Oh Say Can You See that can help.
  • Clean blinds, curtains, or drapes according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Vacuum and Clean Floors

  • Vacuum carpets and area rugs thoroughly.
  • Sweep and mop hard floors, paying special attention to corners and baseboards.

Deep Clean Kitchen and Restrooms

  • Clean and disinfect countertops, cabinets, and drawers, all bathroom surfaces, including sinks, toilets, and tubs/showers.
  • Clean appliances inside and out, including the refrigerator, oven, microwave, and dishwasher.
  • Degrease stove hood and filter.
  • Scrub tile grout and remove any mold or mildew.

Organize Closets and Cabinets

  • Out with the old and in with the new… or maybe just move the sweaters to the back (we are still in the PNW and occasionally will still need those sweaters), but break out the vibrant tank tops it is spring already!
  • Declutter and organize closets and cabinets, donating or discarding items as needed.
  • Use storage bins or baskets to keep items organized and easily accessible.

Freshen up Bedding

  • Launder bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers.
  • To increase the life of your mattress, rotate and flip it for even wear.

Clean Upholstery and Furniture

  • Vacuum upholstery and cushions to remove dust and debris. Make sure you get behind and underneath.
  • Spot clean stains and spills on furniture.

Tidy Outdoor Spaces

  • Sweep or pressure wash outdoor patios, decks, and walkways.
  • Clean outdoor furniture and cushions.
  • Trim bushes, trees, and clean up garden beds.

Inspect and Maintain

  • Ensure your families safety every season.
  • Check smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, replacing batteries as needed.
  • Test and clean ceiling fans.
  • Schedule routine maintenance for HVAC systems, plumbing, and electrical systems.

Final Touches

  • Brings some of the outside in.
  • Add finishing touches such as fresh flowers or plants to bring life into your space.
  • Sit back, relax, and enjoy your freshly cleaned and organized home!

Spring cleaning isn’t just about tidying up—it’s also an essential part of home maintenance and preparation for the warmer months ahead. For homeowners, it’s an opportunity to refresh their living spaces and ensure that their property is in top condition. Beyond the aesthetic benefits, a thorough spring cleaning can enhance the value of a home by improving its curb appeal and overall appeal to potential buyers. By decluttering, organizing, and performing deep cleaning tasks, homeowners can showcase their property’s full potential and make a positive impression on prospective buyers. Additionally, addressing maintenance issues early can help prevent costly repairs down the line and contribute to the long-term health and durability of the home. So, as spring approaches, embrace the tradition of spring cleaning as a valuable investment in both your home and your well-being.

If you are considering selling this Spring, connect with us.


To help get you motivated listen to our Spring Cleaning Playlist Here.

ClintonCoupevilleFreelandGreenbankLangleyOak HarborPlacesThings to Do on Whidbey January 15, 2024

A Trip Through Whidbey’s History

Whidbey has history? It must; there are museums here. Compared to any place in Europe it can seem that there’s no real history here; but, Whidbey has had visitors for thousands of years. Follow along with us as we take a trip through Whidbey’s history. 

The island was built from some of the newest geology:

The west coast of North America was originally at Spokane, but tectonic plates moved and eventually some small ones slammed into the continent. That’s where “The Rock” gets its rocks. They hold up our bridge. Further south on the island could arguably be called “The Gravel” because a series of glaciers and ice sheets scraped mountains down to bits. Those bits were dumped into moraines and stream beds that help explain the south end’s hilly roads, as well as some of the slopes that slide.

About 16,900 years ago, those ice sheets finally left. Over 2,000 feet of ice retreated, leaving lands that waited for something to drop by and grow. The plants began to grow providing forests and prairies. The whales, fish, birds, and land creatures arrived. Today you can walk the beach and you may find mammoth teeth and bones (not a joke).

People came soon after:

They didn’t call it Whidbey. One name that became associated with the place was Tscha-kole-chy. Ask the Tulalip tribes or a local historian about how to pronounce it. 

The island became populated just like the rest of the Salish Sea lands. There was food, a good climate, and relative safety from things like volcanoes.

Humans were busy for over ten thousand years, but we have few stories considering how long that period lasted. One good view of that life is the Maiden of Deception Pass sculpture and description

Skip ahead a few thousands of years to when more people started showing up. 

In the late 1700s:

European explorers sailed in. They were to explore the island and discover what existed here, a very natural and human endeavor. Captain Vancouver’s crew named many of the features. The features already had names, but now they had newer names.


Joseph Whidbey circumnavigated the island. Originally, they thought it was a peninsula, but when they completed their counter-clockwise trip and found the pass they were surprised it was an island, hence Deception Pass. 

By 1848:

Some settlers tried settling on the west side of island, near Penn Cove. Thomas Glasgow, Antonio Rabbeson, and A. Carnefix established a farmstead. It didn’t last long. Local tribes were upset in general with settlers throughout the Puget Sound region. The settlers were encouraged to leave, which they did, without even taking many of their tools. 

There was some disagreement between the Spanish, the British, and the pesky Americans as to who owned what. The original inhabitants had their perspective, of course. The various negotiations and treaties are complicated and fascinating. One place to start is with the Pig War on San Juan Island, a seemingly silly disagreement that almost started a real war.

The 1850’s:

Soon after, more settlers arrived. They too saw the value of the forests, farming, and fishing. Coupeville got started in the 1850s, and became the second oldest town in Washington State. The south end towns were quieter; but, Maxwelton had a 3,000 seat auditorium, for a while. The site of Bailey’s store was basically a trading post in the 1850s. Oak Harbor started then, too; and was incorporated in the 1910s.

The island was fractured. There were few roads. The main way to get around was by boat or walking the beaches at low tide. 

It was about this time that Ebey’s tale became history, a fascinating story of someone who regularly rowed to Port Townsend, and then was killed over a misunderstanding. Check out the links at the end of this article if you would like to learn more about this story. 

The next few decades were a bit rough, but profitable for some. Seattle was growing and it became the destination for island food and lumber. Some of the island’s tallest trees became masts for that era’s tall ships. The branches went into the growing steamship fleet’s boilers, as well as into the landfills that became Seattle’s waterfront.

Throughout those decades ships turned from oars or paddles, to sail, to steam, to internal combustion (to electric?).

Ships operated before docks were built. Some ran up onto the beach, got rid of cargo and passengers, picked up more, and backed away before the tide stranded them. A ferry carried people across Deception Pass, before the bridge was built.


The construction of Fort Casey began. After one world war it became obvious that the country needed defenses.  The Navy established its base, and added and shifted as technology changed warfare. Look at the guns at Fort Casey and compare them to the fortifications at Fort Ebey to see a great change in a short time.

Boeing was busy during World War Two, but it was a few decades later that their plant at Paine Field became a major employer. Thanks to the ferries, Whidbey also became a bedroom community.


Meanwhile, after the start of the 20th century, Freeland was started as a place for free land, an experimental community that blended and contrasted socialist and capitalistic principles. Eventually, the culture tended to a more conventional style of community.

In 1919:

Ferries began docking at docks on south Whidbey, not just running up on beaches, and it became possible to ferry cars and trucks onto the island. They probably had wait lines and cancellations, too.

In 1920:

Langley became one of the first cities in America to have an all-women government. They inaugurated a series of reforms that cleaned up the town, literally. 

About that time, some of the other rough edges of Whidbey were softened as artists began using the island as a retreat and refuge. 

Thanks to fishing resorts, Whidbey was already gaining a reputation as a place to get away from The Big City of Seattle. Tourism got a beachhead.

It became obvious to some that Whidbey’s relationship with Seattle could be like the East Coast’s tourist towns relationship between cities like New York and the Hamptons. That tourist traffic became yet another reason to justify the Deception Pass Bridge.

Life in general became easier as the entire island was finally connected with roads and power.


By the end of the 90s, Whidbey was already known for its various communities: farming, the arts, for tourists, for commuters, and for retirees. Currently, it is being redefined again as Whidbey’s rise from obscurity has grown into an international destination for tourism and training. 

What’s next? Being remote is redefining itself. Whidbey Island is being ‘found’. De-urbanization means urban dwellers are trading that lifestyle for something quieter and slower with a bit more room. But, what’s really next? That’s what every resident and visitor and fan gets to help redefine. History never ends. Welcome to this chapter, the one that you are in. What history will you create?

Connect with us whether you already live here, visit often, or want to move here. 

Real EstateStats January 8, 2024

Retirement in your future?

If retirement is in your near future, or perhaps you are already there (congratulations) you may find yourself wondering if staying in your home is still a good fit. When you live in a home for an extended period, it is normal for your needs to change as you progress through life’s milestones. You may find that your home is too big for the needs of this next chapter. Perhaps you have always had a dream destination in mind, whether to visit or to live or maybe you just want to be closer to family. Selling your home may just be the key to moving onto something that fits your life better.

Regardless of your why, understanding your options and the market can help you make the best next decision. We cannot stress enough that no one size fits all and suggest discussing your unique situation with a trusted Realtor. If you are not currently working with a realtor, connect with us.  We will help find you the perfect match through a series of specific questions.

Follow along as we discuss why you might be in an advantageous position if you ARE considering a move and thinking about retirement.

Consideration 1: How long have you owned your home?

Today, people are living in their homes longer than they ever have in the past. The longer you live in the home the more likely  that you are in a better position to sell. Let’s look at a few factors. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) shared that homeowners owned their homes for an average of six years between 1985 and 2008 whereas homeowners have been staying in their homes for an average of 9.2 years since 2009. See the graph below.

If you are like most homeowners today, you have been in your home for well over 5 years. If this is the case, it is an indicator that a move may be in your favor. Typically speaking, you have built significant equity after just 5 years in your home due to home price appreciation. The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) demonstrates this in their graph below.

If you have lived in your home for over 5 years, you might just be sitting on a large sum of money that could make your dreams a reality. The recent market has helped homeowners increase their equity by nearly 60% in the past 5 years. Those who have owned their homes since 1991 have experienced their home triple in value since they purchased it back in 1991.

Consideration 2: The Market

Currently, we are experiencing a sellers’ market. Home price appreciation is stable. There is a lack of inventory and a prediction that mortgage rates will decline. We have already begun to see the decline in rates. As rates drop, homeownership becomes an attainable option again for those looking to buy. If you are not currently working with an agent and would like to discuss a strategic plan, connect with us here.

Whether you wish to downsize, move to the destination of your dreams, have the funds to go on the vacation of a lifetime, or move closer to the ones you love, the equity in your home can help get you there.

No matter what your home goals are, a trusted realtor can help you discover the best options to get you there. They can help you sell your current home and get you into the that is right for life today.

Retirement in your future? Let’s connect and explore your options.

Places December 25, 2023

Where Is The Health Care

Health is a serious issue. If you think you might be in an emergency, call 911.

Have you heard this one? “Doctor, doctor. It hurts when I do this. What should I do?” “Stop doing that.” That’s a joke, but frequently a visit to a doctor, clinic, or hospital needs more than a straight line and a punchline. Healthcare in a metropolis falls into stereotypes and conventional options. Rural areas tend to be different. Islands tend to be different. Rural islands definitely are different. And then there’s Whidbey’s different version of different. Seriously though, “where is the health care?”


Let’s start with the typical. 

Whidbey’s main hospital is WhidbeyHealth Medical Center. It’s in Coupeville, the county seat, near the middle of the island. That’s key and handy to reaching many of the islanders. It is even close to the highway (US20). If they can’t handle your issue, they know places that can, and they know how to get you there. In their words;

“WhidbeyHealth Medical Center is a fully licensed and certified Critical Access Hospital. The WhidbeyHealth system, which includes the medical center, three EMS stations, and eight outpatient locations, employs more than 750 staff members. An exceptional nursing team and more than 70 providers support a broad range of inpatient and outpatient services.”

Depending on who is counting, they have a few dozen beds. That’s far smaller than facilities in Seattle, but more than many rural areas. Of course, Whidbey only has about 80,000 residents, while Seattle’s metropolitan area has more than 4,000,000.


WhidbeyHealth can’t do everything.

Few hospitals can. The helipad makes it easy to spot unless it is busy elsewhere picking up or delivering a patient to another facility. Seattle has places that specialize in treating cancers, and birthing babies,… The list is long. One name that makes folks take immediate notice is Harborview. The harbor it views is in downtown Seattle, but folks going there can be treated for trauma. Or, as the helicopter flies in and out, it may be local. It can take 45 minutes to drive from either end of the island to the middle. Helicopters fly faster than ambulances can drive, and can reach some remote sites that don’t have road access. A regional option is having a subscription with the helicopter service (LifeFlight). Of course, the typical emergency vehicle is an ambulance. (See our article on Fighting Fires). 

Fortunately, many medical trips aren’t emergencies. Doctor appointments, immunizations, and minor issues may be handled there, but clinics are scattered about the island. The hospital may have what you need, but a clinic four miles away is going to be more convenient than one that involves a forty-minute drive (WhidbeyHealth locations linked below).

Other local options. 

Most health issues have treatment options at the hospital, as well as non-profits focused on one issue.

Health care off island.

As with many things, personal preference may mean traveling off-island for personal needs. Some islanders maintain their old relationships with professionals from a previous residence. Insurance providers may prefer approved healthcare providers who are off-island. Traveling off-island can be inconvenient at best, but the ferries have procedures to allow preferential boarding, basically skipping the line. Call first, though. You can get more information about Washington State Ferries medical preferential loading here. 

Many residents are close enough to other regional facilities like the hospitals in Anacortes and Everett. Especially for people living near the north end or the south end, it can be quicker or more appealing to drive across the bridge to Anacortes or the hopefully short-enough trip across the Clinton Ferry to Mukilteo and, hence, to Everett.


What about insurance? 

Because Whidbey’s population is necessarily small, there are fewer local insurance options. Your results may vary. One bit of perspective: the folks who’ve lived here long enough have probably found a solution that works well enough for them. It may not be optimal, but the tradeoff can be not having to leave the island. Especially in bad conditions, it can be reassuring to have a more personal relationship at a critical time.


Military has additional options.

Military personnel also have alternatives at the Naval Air Station in Oak Harbor. Convenient and more likely to be aware of the concerns of service members. Click here for there directory.


Conventional medicine has been changing.

Treatments that were considered unconventional are now becoming more accepted. Chiropractors, naturopaths, acupuncturists,… another long list. Some such services are available through hospitals and clinics, but they are frequently found as isolated providers. Being part of the Pacific Rim means many cultures are represented on Whidbey. What western medicine considers unconventional may be something that’s been practiced for thousands of years. That’s considered traditional to millions. 


As usual, locals can know best.

Social media is filled with requests for various types of care. Birthing services, elder services, and mental health care are frequent requests. When in doubt, if you can’t find links from here, check with your neighbors. Everyone’s needs are different, so one answer doesn’t answer all. One source of information and support is Friends or Friends, another valuable non-profit on Whidbey.


Health data on Whidbey.

Over all of these details is overall health. How healthy is Whidbey relative to other parts of the country? US News & Report did some research.

“Overall, Island County got a 71.8. That sounds like a C, but the average for its peers is 45.3.” AboutWhidbey


“Life expectancy is 4 years higher than the national average, 81.9 vs 7.9 years. People are more active, 82.3% vs the typical American at 75.5%. Folks are less likely to smoke (tobacco, that is) 13.9% vs 17.3%. And only 11.4% of adults are considered to be in poor health vs 16.1% for the nation.”AboutWhidbey


Whidbey isn’t perfect. No place is, but whether from culture, or nature, or job benefits, living on Whidbey can be a treatment of its own. We hope this helped answer the where is the health care question for you, or at least points you in the right direction. See your doctor regularly, eat well, exercise, and enjoy living someplace healthy. Hmm. Might be time for a salad and a walk. Whidbey is certainly a good place for all of it. If your new to Whidbey and wanting to learn more keep searching through our blogs for a wealth of information about Whidbey. If you are considering making Whidbey home connect with us! Our agents are not only Real Estate experts but also are a wealth of information about Whidbey. 


Real Estate December 22, 2023

Navigating Washington’s Agency Agreements Changes

You may have heard real estate laws are changing in Washington State. While navigating Washington’s agency agreement changes it’s important to note that it’s not uncommon for laws to change as industries evolve. In 2019 the rules requiring that buyer broker compensation be offered to list a property was eliminated. For transparency purposes, in 2019 another law made the buyer broker compensation offered in the listing viewable to the public. In 2022 laws were implemented that made the offer of buyer broker compensation separate and distinct from the offer to the seller’s broker.  That same year, our Northwest Multiple Listing Service started including the amount of buyer broker compensation in the purchase and sale agreement so there is complete transparency within the transaction.


Other great changes that help the buyers and sellers is a revision of the agency law pamphlet. It is now more easily read and understood (taking it from 8 complicated pages to 4) and there is a requirement to sign a contract with buyers. Now buyers truly chose who is representing them and it doesn’t just happen randomly. Our brokers have been studying extensively not only the new laws but how to best implement them and prepare their clients to understand how the changes in the laws will affect them. Follow along as we walk you through navigating Washington’s agency agreement changes with an overview of the changes, how it impacts buyers and sellers, and offer you further resources for more information.


Overview of the New Laws: 


Prior to January 1, 2024 Washington State law only required brokers representing sellers to enter into a brokerage agreement. Starting January 1, 2024 Chapter 18.86 RCW mandates brokers representing buyers in a residential transaction enter into a written brokerage service agreement as soon as reasonably possible. Washington is the first state to implement this type of legislation. This contractual arrangement encompasses key provisions such as the duration of the partnership, exclusivity terms, and the agreed-upon compensation rate. The purpose of the change is to ensure that buyers understand the scope of the representation, how much it will cost, and how the costs are paid prior to agents providing any real estate services.


Impact on Buyers: 


There are a couple of changes that buyers should expect to see. The first is that they will be asked to commit to a Buyers broker early on. It’s going to behoove buyers to take their selection of the broker they work with much more seriously. Buyers will now be presented with an agency agreement prior to their agents providing any services. This might feel a bit off-putting to commit so soon, but Windermere brokers have never forced clients to work with them and are using an agreement that gives buyers control to end the agency relationship at any time. Be sure to read the agreement carefully and identify what the procedures are for canceling the buyer-broker agreement. Great Agents often provide you with a cancelation document or instructions upfront so that you can rest assured that you will not be stuck if their services don’t meet your expectations.



Impact on Sellers: 


For the most part, sellers are not significantly impacted by the new changes. The only significant change that sellers can expect to see is that agents may offer a Seller Brokerage Service Agreement earlier than in the past. The new listing agreement allows for signing up to 90 days in advance of going on the market.


Overall, the changes are positive. They are put in place to protect consumers, which we are all about! By law, every client is to receive the Agency Law Pamphlet.  The buyer or seller should take time to read it and understand it prior to signing any agreement.  If you find yourself with more questions than answers, don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek guidance. If an agent does not currently represent you and you are seeking quality representation, connect with us. We can give you a few names of excellent brokers to interview. It is important to stay informed about these changes to ensure a smooth real estate transaction.


If you would like to discuss this in greater detail, please do not hesitate to connect with us.


ClintonDestination Whidbey December 4, 2023

Clinton Ferry

It is often a wish come true to live on Whidbey Island. With the ideal four-season experience, a marine island climate, great community culture, stunning beaches, and gorgeous scenery, what’s not to love? Unlike most islands, with access limited by expensive boat rides or planes, Whidbey Island offers three main points of access on and off the island. The beautiful Deception Pass bridge at the north end of the Island, the Port Townsend Ferry from Coupeville, and also the Clinton/Mukilteo Ferry (pictured above) with the gorgeous mountain views to enjoy during the short ride over to the mainland.

Connect with us here.

Check out the rest of Whidbey’s beautiful destinations from this series here.

Email for more

ClintonCoupevilleFreelandGreenbankLangleyOak HarborThings to Do on Whidbey November 13, 2023

Weather in the Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest, or PNW, is a region known for its varied and often unpredictable weather. Located in the northwest corner of the United States, the PNW is home to a diverse array of climates and landscapes, ranging from the rainy, temperate rainforests of the coast to the dry, high-desert regions of the interior.

One of the most distinctive features of the PNW weather is the rain. The region is home to some of the wettest parts of the country. Some areas receive over 100 inches of rain per year. While the rain can be a nuisance at times, it is also a vital part of the region’s ecosystem. The rain provides the water needed to sustain the lush forests and vegetation that thrive in the region.

In addition to the rain, the PNW is also prone to fog and mist, especially along the coast. These foggy conditions can last for days at a time, creating a unique and sometimes eerie atmosphere.

Weather on Whidbey Island

Whidbey Island, located in the northwest corner of Washington state, is no stranger to the PNW’s unpredictable weather. Located in the Puget Sound, the island is influenced by both the maritime climate of the coast and the inland climate of the region. As a result, the weather on Whidbey Island can vary significantly from one day to the next. Sometimes a sunshining clear skies day gives way to rain and fog in a matter of hours.

One unique aspect of the weather on Whidbey Island is its location in the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains. The rain shadow effect occurs when moist air is forced up and over a mountain range. When this happens it causes it to cool and release its moisture in the form of rain or snow. As the air descends on the other side of the mountain range, it warms and becomes drier, creating a “rain shadow” region that receives less rainfall.

Due to its location on the leeward side of the Olympic Mountains, the areas of North and Central Whidbey Island experience this rain shadow effect, resulting in significantly less rainfall compared to other parts of the PNW. While the island still gets its fair share of rain and fog, it is generally drier and sunnier than the surrounding region. Less rainfalls makes it a popular destination for those seeking a respite from the rain.

Despite the often-variable weather, the PNW and Whidbey Island are beautiful and unique places to visit or call home. The diverse landscape and varied climate create opportunities for a wide range of recreational activities. Many people enjoy  hiking and camping in the summer to skiing and snowboarding in the winter. So, whether you’re a seasoned resident or a first-time visitor, be prepared for a little bit of everything when it comes to the weather in the PNW and on Whidbey Island.

When you fall in love with the island and want to stay let us help you find your dream home. Connect with us here.

ClintonCoupevilleFreelandGreenbankLangleyOak HarborReal Estate October 30, 2023

Who are you going to call

Who are you going to call? That’s up to you. How are you going to call? That’s up to you, too; but, that’s a shorter list. It is also easier to talk about. Welcome to Whidbey, or your new home, or your curiosity. Phone service on the island is unique for several reasons; and can even get into international issues. Here are some of your choices.


Landlines exist, and can frequently outperform more modern options. A direct connection between two phones can be clearer, simpler, and make sense in older homes. Landlines can also avoid issues about spots in a house where signals are blocked by things like masonry. They can also be handy during a power outage, if the provider keeps the lines charged. Even better is a provider that buries the lines so they’re less likely to be impacted, literally, by falling branches. 

But, landlines have limits. Putting a landline in your pocket can be done, but is somewhat useless when out of range of the home’s base station. (e.g. Whidbey Telecom, Ziply)

Mobile Phones: 

Welcome to the modern era when phones in pockets are taken for granted, as is roaming. One phone, one country, that’s pretty good. Cell phones, mobile phones, isn’t that what everyone uses? The major providers are here, which is definitely appreciated. As a solution, mobile phones are the dominant choice.

Mobile phones are the dominant choice, but not every provider can provide unlimited coverage. Can you hear me now? You can still hear people say that on a call as you drive through gaps in coverage. Ridges, buildings, and antenna blind spots can have you checking whether you have five bars, or as little as one bar, or even no bars. Electronic signals can’t be guaranteed to reach the base stations of the corporate carrier. Coverage is pretty good, but a temporary interruption while driving around isn’t as important as a poor signal at home. Check coverage for where you want to live.

Coverage Maps:



US Cellular


Find a home in the areas with your ideal coverage here.

When in doubt, drive there and check. If you are buying a home the home inspection time is a great chance to check cell reception too, make as many calls in as many spaces on the property as possible. If you get the opportunity, check in with the neighbors, possibly on social media, and learn what they use. (e.g. AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, US Cellular). Talk with your agent about their experience with coverage. Don’t have an agent? Connect with one here.  


Keep in mind, some people want to live in those quiet pockets. There’s someone for everywhere.

Got a good internet connection but no cell signal? VOIP can be an option. Voice Over Internet Protocol routes your calls through the internet, not a phone landline or a cell tower. Some cell phones are already set up to choose the better path between a tower and the internet. That can be the best of both worlds. (e.g. Frontier, Vonage, Wave)

Did That Message Just Say Welcome to Canada? 

Hello, Canada. Saying hello to Canada is easy enough. You can see it from the island. Wave at it. Your phone might be doing that too. The farther north and west you get on the island the greater the likelihood that your phone may connect with a tower in Canada. You can get charged for international roaming without leaving the US. Fortunately, your phone should tell you when it does that, but it is worth checking, occasionally. (e.g. Telus)

The Final Message:

The choices aren’t infinite, but there may be more than you want to research for your corner of the island. The denser the population, the more likely you’ll have plenty of choices, many of which run those big national ad campaigns. Our island’s more remote locations, however, can be so unique, so idiosyncratic, that it might make sense to visit and try calling friends and family. 

As technology continues to invent new options, the choice continues to change. Now that satellite phones have progressed from specialized Globalstar handheld units to Starlink’s internet access a homeowner can create their own connection, assuming those pesky hills and bills don’t get in the way. If you’ve got power and the right view, you’ve got internet and phone; regardless of whatever might be interrupting everyone else’s day or night.

Who are you going to call? That’s up to you. How are you going to call? That’s up to you, too; but, now you may understand why one answer doesn’t apply to everyone. Thanks, Ma Bell and your old bakelite landline phones wired to a wall; but, we’ve become much more mobile, and hopefully more stylish. Make a call from Whidbey? You’ve got options. Try to call us now: 360.675.5953.

ClintonCoupevilleFreelandGreenbankLangleyOak HarborThings to Do on Whidbey October 9, 2023


As the crisp autumn air settles in, Halloween is creeping closer and it’s time to conjure up some devilishly delightful pumpkin carvings.


Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, these spooktacular pumpkin carving ideas are sure to impress.

Start off with a classic Jack-o’-Lantern, featuring a toothy grin and triangle-shaped eyes that never go out of style. Or try a simple yet spooky ghost design with black paint or markers to create a hauntingly eerie look. If you prefer something more whimsical, carve a cute cat with pointy ears and whiskers to add a playful touch to your décor.

But… if you are feeling daring, go all out with a fierce dragon carving. Of course, it will require expert level skill and patience, but it is sure to leave everyone spellbound. For a more elaborate design, try carving a haunted house complete with spooky windows, a creaky door, and ghostly apparitions floating around – perfect for adding an extra eerie ambiance to your Halloween décor.


Once you have your design picked out, head over to one of Whidbey Island’s pumpkin patches to find the perfect pumpkin.

At the Greenbank Farm enjoy a fun day of picking your own pumpkins.

Case Farm offers over 50 years of experience in growing a variety of pumpkins.

While the Bayview Farmers Market has a pumpkin patch, it also offers a variety of vendors selling fresh produce, baked goods, and handmade crafts.

But don’t stop there – Whidbey Farm & Market and The Farm Stand K & R Farms also offer great pumpkin picking options. At the Whidbey Farm & Market, you can support local farmers and artisans while picking out your perfect pumpkin for carving and at The Farm Stand K& R Farms, enjoy a variety of fresh produce and family-friendly activities like a corn maze and ice cream.


To top off the fun, if you are looking for a spooktacular adventure, head over to the Haunted Barn In Oak Harbor. The haunted barn features creepy decorations, special effects, and live actors sure to send shivers down your spine.
No matter where you choose to pick your pumpkins or celebrate Halloween, make sure to enjoy the crisp fall weather and embrace all the spooky sights and sounds of the season. Happy haunting!

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CoupevilleThings to Do on Whidbey October 2, 2023

Saving Whidbey

One of the reasons most people find Whidbey Island so special is the beaches, forests, and farms. This is why having one of the most spectacular properties on the island that incorporates all three being protected forever is such an amazing thing!” 


You’ve probably seen them, yet another of Whidbey’s gravel driveways that reach off from the highway, winding through a forest, to – well, someplace only a few know about. They are mysteries, but someone saw some reason to build a road. Sometimes that’s for an estate, or a farm, or simply a view. The Land Trust just acquired one of those properties that has all three.

Saving Whidbey

“What can I do to help protect the island?” That’s the question one realtor asked during a tour of Keystone Farm and Forest Preserve. They asked a good question to the right people because Whidbey Camano Land Trust helps people do that. A group of Windermere realtors were fortunate enough to get an early tour of Keystone Preserve, one of the Land Trust’s most recent acquisitions – and most impressive properties to protect. 

History of the Land 

For over a century, the land has been farmed with conventional methods (longer than that by Salish Sea Tribes). For decades, one family owned the property. They asked that same question; what could they do to save a farm with an expansive view because of 2/3 of a mile of waterfront. And it has dozens of acres of prairie farmland. And it has dozens of acres of forest upland from the shore. They add up to over 200 acres of a unique estate. Thanks numerous state and federal grants (including help from the Navy), some fortunate situations, and a bit of good luck, Keystone Farm and Forest Preserve will continue to be farmed and preserved. 


Most of the folks on the tour were stopped in their tracks by the view as the long driveway rounded the bend from forest to farm, from trees to pastures, and expansive water views. Look left down Admiralty Inlet. To the right is Admiralty Cove. Straight across is the Olympic Range, Port Townsend, and out to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. 

In April 2022, the Lea family sold the property. They had owned the property since 1947, but families shift, and they realized that they’d rather let someone else own and use it than leave it effectively vacant, locked away without anyone being able to enjoy it. The Land Trust stepped in, with help, of course. In a couple of years, Keystone  Preserve will be opened to the public. Patience is necessary because a driveway that suffices for a family and a farm isn’t enough for two-way traffic, especially if emergency vehicles need access. The plan is to have parking for school buses and a shelter for learning.


There’s history here. The water, the prairie, and the forest are fertile. The Skagit people knew its value. They even maintained the prairie through controlled burns. The open land that reaches down to the water was so distinctive that early explorers noted it. One ship’s Captain, Robertson, returned and helped homestead it circa 1850.

A Budding Future 

The future is also being established because the Organic Farm School has already been invited to plant trial fields. And, of course, it will be a place for people to enjoy. It is the nature of the Land Trust that the future can be preserved. That era has already begun.


That’s the plan. Plans require action, so sign up with the Land Trust to volunteer. The quicker the work gets done, the sooner people can visit for the sake of visiting. In the meantime, volunteers get early access to the views. Old farms are fertile, so there will be some weeds to tend. As the site gets prepared for the public, there will be opportunities to help. Maybe linger a bit after the work party is done. 

Find a comfy spot and watch for raptors overhead, whales and seals and salmon, and almost every big ship that’s using Puget Sound to get to our deep, sheltered harbors. Or get up and wander along the forest trails. 


The property is also a place to learn about what it takes to live on the land on an island. Sites that look ideal can require a bit of research, thought, and consulting with experts. How close can a house be to the water, considering waves that can redistribute a bluff? Upland forests grow because they have access to water, which might mean ravines or wetlands. Owning such a property is also a lesson in how forests collect and filter rainwater, as well as stabilize bluffs and replenish our aquifers. Sometimes, trees may be weak or in a dangerous spot; but, it was pointed out that trimming the difficult parts while leaving the bottom thirty feet provides some of the benefits of habitat and soil stability. Learning about such issues by visiting a property is simpler than doing so in the middle of a transaction.


The land will restore something closer to its original nature, and it can be valuable to see natural forests, natural bluffs, and natural shorelines. The Land Trust doesn’t buy land to simply buy land. Keystone Farm and Forest Preserve will help the health of the habitat for lots of wildlife, particularly salmon and other fish that rely on eelgrass and bull kelp. It will provide a place for learning and demonstration. Protecting land also means protecting our drinking water by ensuring we have pockets of aquifer recharge.


The day of the visit ended with a show of seals and salmon along the shore.


People on Whidbey are proud of its rural character; so, preserving a farm, a forest, and a shoreline makes sense. “What can I do to help protect the island?” Be like the Lea family and think of the future.


“It will be a great place for people to learn about organic farming practices, how to manage private forests for health, natural shoreline protection techniques, and an additional beautiful and scenic place for walking. You can learn more about this property and all the Land Trust properties on their website. Loads of their properties are open to the public with great trail systems.” There’s probably one near you that you didn’t even know existed!